Wednesday 3 October 2007

Configuration of Internet Expenses

Oracle E Business Suite: Configuration of Internet Expenses

Configuration of Internet Expenses

Define Accounting Flexfield - We need to define this AFF to access it across the module for creation of any transactions.

Define employees - Employee can be defined using HRMS, if installed. In a shared HRMS environment, we can access the same form using payables responsibility. This employee form is available in many other applications also to define employees.
Define employee with all the parameter required. Only the difference are a. Date tracking will not work in shared HRMS and date of termination and final closing will be same in shared HRMS.

Specify profile option values – There are several profile values we need to define based on the modules and functionality we use.

Define and set up users - We need to define various responsibilities for policy, configuration, administration, users etc. with menu and function restrictions based on the final solution design. In addition to the regular definition of responsibility, users, menu and function restrictions, we may have to add couple of security attributes which are specific to OIE.

Define default expense reimbursement address – We need configure this in Payables in Financial Options under Human Resources TAB.

Define Expense Report - Define payable options in Payable. We need say yes for 'Automatically create employee as supplier', apply advances, and hold unmatched report. Define default payment priority and term with pay group to make payment based on priority or pay group. Define automatic tax calculation options and hierarchy based on the requirement.

Enable currencies - Enable all the currencies we use in OIE and define the type and exchange rates to apply.

Define your expense report templates - Define this templates for all expenses categories and enable the check box 'Enable for Internet Expenses' with Prompt value. We may have to select project expenditure type for project related expenses. All others like justification required, viewable from all templates etc. are to be addressed based on the requirement.

Assign signing limits to managers – This approval limit can be configured cost centre wise with limits to various people in hierarchy.

DFF - Customize the DFF for expenses type for expense report and / or expense report line.

Customize spreadsheet - Export it and customize the spreadsheet in local machine. If client wants to use single version of spreadsheet globally, upload final approved spreadsheet into server.

Configure the Expense Report Workflow process – These are to be modified based on the approval route required. There are five seeded workflows are there to support in OIE. We can customize the workflow based on the routing we choose.

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