Sunday 29 March 2009

Key Profile options in I Procurement

The following profile options are key in I Procurement, which i have faced in various I Proc implementation.  There are few others, which are to be configured based on client’s requirement


Profile Option



Number of catalogs to be appeared in I Proc

POR: Catalog Result Set Size - 7

If we set this 7 only 7 items will be displayed in each page in I proc.


Is there a profile option that controls the Need By date under I Procurement?

Profile: ICX: Days Needed By controls this date

If this is set at the site level end users will have the same number of days + sysdate to calculate need by date.


How default time appears in need by date and time field

PO: Default Need-By Time – set here as 18:00

To avoid any time error


How to change the Requester in iProcurement

ICX: Allow Requestor override = Yes

To override


NCR - goods billed by quantity and amount how it works

a.   POR: Amount Based Services Line Type
b.   POR : Rate Based Services Line Type

at site level

For a profile option – value should be - Amount Based

Set unique values for these profile options. The value selected here should be distinct from the values selected for other profile(w.r.t line types) options

After setting these profile values, bounce the apache server and retest the issue.

Host Images

POR: Hosted Images directory

/app03/PRD6/apps/prd6comn/java/oracle/apps/media at site level.

Register images in OA_MEDIA (MEDIA_DIRECTORY) which can be seen in ssp_init_txt file.

Downloaded .jpg images from XXX and saved in server path - /app03/PRD6/apps/prd6comn/java/oracle/apps/media. Here instance name is PRD6.

Use the name of the .jpg image in image filed (it is case sensitive) in spreadsheet.

DBA has uploaded images into $OA_MEDIA without referring ssp_init_txt file.

.gif or .jpeg file images

To perform personalization

Personalize Self-Service Defn

Should be yes at user level to personalize the I Proc but at site level No


Image size

POR: Show Thumbnail Images

To see thumbnail images


Image Height

POR: Thumbnail Height

Set 145 and adjust later according to the client requirement


Image width

POR: Thumbnail Width

Set 145 and adjust later according to the client requirement


Match requisition lines numbers to PO line numbers

PO: Use Requisition Line Numbers on Autocreated Purchase Order Lines

Say yes to copy the same number from requisition to PO number. It is important when requisition in I proc has been created with multiple supplier, say no to this profile so that separate PO will be created for each supplier with starting number 1. Otherwise sequence number will be allotted to suppliers.


Expense account rule

POR: Apply Expense Account Rules to Favourite Charge Accounts

Account Rules to fire if there is no Requester HR Account:


Creation of purchasing policies in I Proc

Help Localization Code

At Responsibility level set the profile option to the localization code you want to use, e.g. TEST.


How to display charge account at checkout in requisition information page:

POR: Generate and Display Account at Checkout

Say yes to this profile option to solve the issue.



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