Wednesday, 3 October 2007


Oracle E Business Suite: Consolidation

Application: General Ledger

Process: Consolidations

Steps to be followed:

1. Define a Consolidation Book
2. Define a Consolidation Responsibility
3. Assign Consolidation Book to Consolidation Responsibility
4. Assign Users to Consolidation Responsibility
5. Define Consolidation Mappings
6. Gather Data from Disparate Instances and Applications
7. Enter Exchange Rates for Foreign Subsidiary Books
8. Run Revaluation for Foreign Subsidiary Books
9. Run Translation for Foreign Subsidiary Books
10. Run Consolidation
11. Create Journals
12. Monitor Consolidations
Prerequisites: 1. All journals for the period must be posted


Consolidation is the period-end process of combining the financial results of separate subsidiaries with the parent company to form a single, combined statement of financial results.

The Global Consolidation System (GCS) provides the flexibility to help manage your consolidation needs regardless of your company structure. You can maintain multiple companies with different accounting structures, different accounting calendars, and different local currencies.

If your companies share a single set of books for operational accounting purposes, there is no need to use the Global Consolidation system. You can use the intercompany segment in your Chart of Accounts to track intercompany transactions by company or trading partner. To consolidate multiple companies with a single set of books, first complete eliminating entries, and then create reports on the consolidated parent.

This document focuses on the Global Consolidations System (GCS) which can consolidate data from any Chart of Accounts, Calendar or functional currency. In addition, GCS can consolidate data not only from data on multiple Sets of Books on a single instance, but also multiple Sets of Books on multiple instances or other accounting systems besides Oracle.

For enterprises with multiple sets of books on multiple application instances, financial data must be moved from diverse sets of books and data sources into a single consolidation set of books. For those subsidiaries whose sets of books are located external to the applications instance where you plan to perform your consolidation activities, you must maintain dummy sets of books.

Define a Consolidation Book

Each subsidiary requires their own set of books to meet their operational or local accounting needs.

It is strongly recommended a separate consolidation book that is not directly fed from any subledger or non-Oracle information source be defined. The parent company that has operational or local requirements can be used as the consolidating set of books. However, a consolidated set of books will prevent the operational and local sets of books from being cluttered with other subsidiary data.

Navigate to: Setup>Financials>Books>Define

Once the book is defined, at least one period will need to be opened. Please note that unlike in your operational sets of books, consolidation periods never need to be closed. No subledger is referencing the general ledger period statuses to determine whether a transaction should be allowed or not. While you can keep your consolidation periods perpetually open. You may want to close periods anyhow to prevent users from modifying historical information.

Note: If you have multiple Sets of Books on multiple instances or non-Oracle General Ledger Systems, create dummy sets of books within GCS parent’s database instance. Each of these sets of books represents the subsidiary sets of books on disparate application instances.
Define a Consolidation Responsibility

Oracle comes with two Global Consolidation responsibilities: Global Consolidation System Super User and Global Consolidation System User. The Global Consolidation System Super User has access to certain setup processes while the other consolidation responsibility does not. Other consolidation responsibilities can be defined by the System Administrator Responsibility.

In System Administrator Responsibility:

Navigate to: Security>Responsibity>Define

Assign Consolidation Book to Consolidation Responsibility

To access the consolidation book, the GL Set of Book Name profile option needs to be set to the consolidation book for the Global Consolidation responsibility.

In System Administrator Responsibility:

Navigate to: Profile>System

In the Find System Profile Values screen:

Profiles with No Values: Unchecked
Profile: GL Set%

Click Find. A blank should be indicated at the intersection of the GL Set of Books Name row and the Responsibility column. Replace the empty field….

… With the name of the consolidation book: R2i USD Consolidated in our example.

Save your work.

To confirm Set of Books is correctly assigned, select View > Find from the menu bar to bring back Find Window with previous criteria.

Select Find.

This time, GL Set of Books ID profile value should be populated.

And Save.

Note: If you setup dummy sets of books within GCS parent’s database instance for disparate application instances, General Ledger responsibilities must be defined for those set of books, and those set of books must be assigned to the General Ledger responsibility.

Assign Users to Consolidation Responsibility

In System Administrator Responsibility:

Navigate to: Security>User>Define

Use View > Find or View > Query by Example from the menu bar to select the name of a consolidation user. Add the consolidation responsibility to that individual’s responsibility list.

Repeat process of finding for user and adding the consolidation responsibility to his or her responsibility list as necessary.

As one of the users given access to the consolidation responsibility, switch to the consolidation responsibility.

Open Consolidation Book Period

In Consolidation System Super User Responsibility:

Navigate to: Setup>Open/Close

Enter in the ‘first’ period to be used within the consolidation book. Please note that this period should actually be one period earlier than the period during which you want to run reporting. The period earlier would be to enable period-to-period budget vs. actual comparisons and provide a period to dump converted history. Usually the ‘first’ period is the last period of a fiscal year. Oracle Applications takes this setting as ‘permanent’. It cannot be reversed unless direct updates to the underlying tables are made.

That is why the above warning will pop up after click on the ‘Open’ button. Once you click on Yes in the decision box, the Open and Close Periods window will open.

To open the next period,

Simply click on the ‘Open Next Period’ button. Alternatively, click on the status field of the appropriate period and change the status to one of those on the list of values.

Please note that you should NEVER change a period status to Permanently Closed.

Note: If you setup dummy sets of books within GCS parent’s database instance for disparate application instances or non-Oracle application instances, the appropriate accounting periods must be opened in those books.

Define Consolidation Mappings

To consolidate multiple sets of books that have different functional currencies, accounting calendars, or charts of accounts, the subsidiaries’ chart of accounts must first be mapped to the consolidated chart of accounts. A consolidation mapping is a set of instructions for mapping accounts or entire account segments from a subsidiary set of book to the consolidated set of books.

In Global Consolidation System Super User Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Mapping>Define

Note: In the General Ledger Super User responsibility, the navigation path to the consolidation processes are the same as for the Global Consolidation System User, except Processes is replaced with Consolidation.

Name: Select a meaningful name. Common map names indicate the source and destination books.
Method: Select from drop down list either ‘Balances’ or ‘Transactions’. The Transactions method can only be used if both sets of books have the same functional currency. Unless an audit trail needs to be maintained ‘Balances’ is the better (faster, simpler) option.
Description: As with the name, enter something that indicates the source and destination books.

Set of Books:
Subsidiary: Click field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select the source (subsidiary) book.
Parent: Click field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select the destination (the consolidation) book.
Currency: Choices are the Parent book’s currency or STAT. Select the Parent book’s currency.

Effective Dates:
Enter a range of Effective Dates for which the consolidation mapping can be used. If you use mapping to transfer consolidation data for periods that fall outside the effective date range, the transfer will fail.

Run Options:
Run Journal Import: Should be left checked unless someone wants to ‘pull’ from the interface tables.
Create Summary Journals: Should be checked unless there is a need for extreme detail.
Audit Mode: Should be left unchecked unless a detailed audit report is needed.

In the choice between Segment Rules and Account Rules for mapping the Subsidiary’s code combinations to those of the Parent, the use of Segment Rules is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Account rule maintenance can become extensive when faced with mapping the many different possible code combinations one-by-one or group by group.

Segment Rules map company values to company values, departments to departments, etc. Account rules map a specific subsidiary account or a range of accounts to a specific account in your parent set of books. In most cases, the use of only Segment Rules is sufficient to map the data. However, in cases where a particular department-account combination maps to a different account, this will need to be handled via Account Rules.

Press the Segment Rules button to access the Segment Rules definition screen.

Each segment of the consolidation book chart of accounts can be subject to a different rule. The rule types are:

Copy Value: Where a subsidiary book value equals the parent book value.
Single Value: Where a single constant value will always be used as the parent book value.
Rollup Rules: Where a range of subsidiary book values will always be used as a parent book value.

To map ranges of combinations, complete the Rollup Rules and Subsidiary Segment Ranges sections.

Rollup Rules
Parent Segment Detail Value:
Enter the Parent Segment Detail value that the subsidiary
values are being mapped to. In the example, 110 is the department value on the consolidation set of books.
Transfer Level: Select Detail or Summary from the drop down list. Indicates if the parent/consolidated account being mapped to is a detail or summary account.
Using: Select Detail Ranges, Parent or Parent Ranges from drop down list. Indicates what type values are being transferred from subsidiary. In our example, detail ranges (110-140) from the UK subsidiary are being transferred to department 110.

Subsidiary Segment Ranges
Low and High: Enter a low and high range of segment values to be mapped to a particular consolidated account.

To enter Account Rules, Click on the Account Rules button in the Consolidation Mappings window.

Subsidiary Accounts: Click field for Accounting Flexfield range window, and
enter the Subsidiary Accounts you want to consolidate. If multiple ranges are entered, they must not overlap.
Parent Account: Click field for Accounting Flexfield window, and enter the
Parent/Consolidated Account to which you want to map each Subsidiary Account to.

In the above example, to subsidiary accounts with a department of one 410 are being mapped to an account on the consolidated set of books with a department of 420.

Define Mapping Sets

Maps can be grouped into Mapping Sets for the purposes of running one request to extract and upload subsidiary data from multiple books into the consolidation book.

To access the Mapping Set window, click on the Mapping Set button in the Consolidations Mappings window. The Mapping Set window, can also be accessed directly from the Navigator.

In Global Consolidation System Super User Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Mapping>Define Set

Note: In the General Ledger Super User responsibility, the navigation path to the consolidation processes are the same as for the Global Consolidation System Super User, except Processes is replaced with Consolidation.

Mapping Set Name: Enter a meaningful name.
Parent: [Ctrl+L] or click field for poplist to select the consolidation
Set of Books.
Description: Enter a meaningful description for the Mapping Set.
Run Options: Select the Consolidation Run Options.
Mapping: [Ctrl+L] or click field for poplist to select the Mapping
name for each subsidiary-to-parent mapping you want
to include in the set. The mappings must use the same
consolidation method you selected above.

Gather Data from Other Instances or Non-Oracle General Ledger Systems

The Global Consolidation System provides a convenient interface to allow you to import subsidiary data from any external source, such as a separate database instances of Oracle General Ledger, or an entirely separate non-Oracle accounting system. A requirement of this process is that a dummy set of books was created within the GCS parent’s database for each subsidiary on disparate Oracle instances or other systems.

There are two options available for gathering data from disparate sources:

· Use the Application Desktop Integrator (ADI) to work in a spreadsheet environment. Transfer the subsidiary information from the external system into ADI’s journal worksheet. Then upload the entries to the GCS system where they can be posted to the parent subsidiary.
· Use SQL Loader to load data from diverse sources into the GCS open interface.

Using ADI to Import Data from an External Source

To use ADI to import data from an external source, signon to ADI and the Request Center. Select the appropriate responsibility for the subsidiary dummy sets of books in the consolidating parent’s instance. Choose the Ledger from the ADI tool bar, and select the appropriate features to build a journal template, and enter journals.

Once all the data in journal format is entered in ADI, select the Upload to interface button on the ADI toolbar to upload the balances to the subsidiary sets of books in GCS. ADI validates the journals and gives you feedback on the success of the upload process. It also submits a journal import request that creates a postable journal entry in the GCS dummy set of books. Post the journals in the subsidiary’s set of books to update balances.

Refer to the R2i document GL Create Journals Using GLDI Training for step by step instructions on creating journals using Application Desktop Integrator.

Using SQL Loader to Load Data from an External Source

· Use SQL Loader or another Loader program to prepare your data to load into the GL_INTERFACE table.
· Load each external system’s data into the corresponding dummy set of books.
· Run Journal Import for each dummy set of books to import transactions.
· Post the journals in each subsidiary dummy set of books to import transactions.

Enter Exchange Rates

Most sites utilize the basic period exchange rates of monthly average and period-end rates. The Period Average and End Rates will be used when running translation.

If your functional currency is that of a European Monetary Union (EMU) member state such as France, you have the option of allowing direct EMU and Non-EMU user rates being entered.

Otherwise, the period rates between the EMU (UK) and Non-EMU (US) can be derived from the Euro. In this option, the Euro rate is activated, the profile option Allow Direct EMU/Non-EMU User Rates is set to NO, and a Euro derived factor must be defined for each EMU member.

If the subsidiary being consolidated is an EMU member and the profile option Allow Direct EMU/Non-EMU is set to No, set the Euro derived factor for the EMU currency.

Navigate to: Setup>Currencies>Define

Find the EMU Currency.
Code: Select the EMU currency.
Name: The name defaults.
Type: Select Euro Derived.
Factor: Enter the fixed conversion rate by which you multiply
one Euro to derive the equivalent EMU currency amount.
Effective: Enter the Currency Derivation Effective starting date.

Define the Period Rates.

In Subsidiary Book Responsibility:

Navigate to: Setup>Currencies>Rates>Period

From: The From currency will default to the current set of books currency.
To: Click field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select the currency of the consolidation/destination book.
Balance Type: Actual. The other choice is Budget.
Period: Click field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select a period.
Average: Enter the period average rate for converting revenue and expense amounts. Note: If you are entering EMU to Non-EMU rates, and
the profile option Allow User Rate Between EMU and Non-EMU is
set to No, a pop-up window appears. Enter the period average Euro to EMU rate. The system calculates the Average Period Exchange rate.
End: Enter the period end rate for converting balance sheet amounts.
Note: If you are entering EMU to Non-EMU rates, and the
profile option Allow User Rate Between EMU and Non-EMU is
set to No, a pop-up window appears. Enter the period ending Euro to EMU rate. The system calculates the End Period Exchange rate.
Revaluation: Calculated as the inverse of the ‘End’ rate. Used for revaluation of month’s transaction activity. If you did not enter a period-end rate, enter the Revaluation rate. General Ledger enter the inverse of the revaluation as the period-end rate.

The Period Average and End Rates will be used when running translation. If your site is using account specific-historical rates for some accounts, such rates will need to be defined separately:

In Subsidiary Book Responsibility:

Navigate to: Setup>Currencies>Rates>Historical

Target Currency: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select target currency for
which you want to enter rates.
Period: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select possible period for
which historical rate applies.
Account: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select full accounting flexfield code combination to which rate applies.
Rate: Enter Exchange rate.
Amount: Leave blank.
Rate Type: Default to Historical

If rates are assigned by ranges, click the Assign by Ranges button, to navigate to:

And enter in the appropriate:

Period: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select accounting period.
Rate: Enter Historical rate.
Amount: Leave blank.
Rate Type: Historical or Weighted Average.
Account Low: Low end of the account range to which the rate applies.
Account High: High end of the account range to which the rate applies.

Run Revaluation

Revaluation is only required if one or more transactions were entered with a currency other than the functional currency of the Set of Books.

Revaluation refers to the process of updating the value of assets and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency by using a currency exchange rate (usually the period end rate.) Any unrealized gains or losses are posted to the account via a journal entry. Note that the Revaluation Ranges should only include Asset and Liability accounts as shown above.

In Subsidiary Book Responsibility:
Navigate to: Currency>Revaluation

Period: Click field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to list possible periods.
Unrealized Gain/Loss Account: Click on field for Accounting Flexfield window to appear, then pick code combination
Currency Option: Single Currency to revalue one foreign currency.
EURO+EMU to revalue all currencies whose currency
Derivation is Euro, EMU and Interim EMU.
All Currencies to revalue all foreign currencies.
Currency: If single currency is selected, pick the currency using [Ctrl+L] or the poplist.
Rate: If single currency is selected, enter the rate. The rate will default from the period rate table.
Revaluation Ranges: Click Account Low field for Accounting Flexfield Low and High range to appear. Enter the account ranges to be revalued.

Click the Revalue button.
General Ledger launches a concurrent process to revalue the account balances. A Note will display the Revaluation concurrent request id.

The process names your revaluation batch in the following format: Revalues . For example, Revalues AUG-00 30-AUG-00 13:48:00.

Navigate to: Journal>Enter

Find the journal batch by typing Revalue% in the Batch field as the search criteria.

To review, Click one of the review buttons.

Post the Revalue Journal.

Run Translation

Translation refers to the process of translating functional currency account balances to another reporting currency. Translation is required whenever consolidating books have varying currencies.

You can translate budgets in addition to actual balances. Budget amounts can also be consolidated so that budget vs. actual comparisons can be made at the consolidated book level using both subsidiary budget and actual amounts.

In Subsidiary Book Responsibility:

Navigate to: Currency>Transalation

Functional Currency: Defaults to the Functional Currency for the set of
Books as the currency you are translating.
Balance Type: [Ctrl+L] to list possible types. Select ‘Actual’.
All: Check this box to select all data related to all balancing segments. Otherwise, individual balancing segment values need to be entered on separate lines.
Value: Click for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select individual balancing segment
Target Currency: Click for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select currency to translate to. Select consolidation book currency.
Period: Click for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select possible periods.
Budget Source: Leave blank.
Budget Target: Leave blank.

Please note that the above parameters do not apply if you need to consolidate budget amounts. In the case of budget consolidation, you would set Balance Type to ‘Budget’ and indicate the proper Budget Source and Budget Target.

Press the Translate button to initiate the concurrent request to translate the balance amounts. A Note displays the Request Id.

Run Consolidation

There are three options for running consolidations:

· In the Subsidiary Book responsibility, you can push balances from each subsidiary book as they are closed; or
· In the Consolidated Book responsibility, you can pull balances from each subsidiary book separately; or
· In the Consolidated Book responsibility, you can pull balances from all subsidiary books at the same time using a Mapping Set. Note that all subsidiary books must be closed before using a mapping set.

In Subsidiary Book Responsibility:

Navigate to: Consolidation>Transfer>Data

Mapping: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to list possible mappings.
Method: Should default based on mapping.
Balance Type: Should default based on mapping.
Usage: Should default based on mapping.
Method: Should default based on mapping.
Currency: Should default based on mapping.
Amount Type: Should default based on mapping.
Subsidiary Set of Books: Should default based on mapping.
Subsidiary Period: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to list possible periods.
Parent Set of Books: Should default based on mapping.
Parent Period: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to list possible

Button Options:
Mapping: Allows you to view mapping detail
Eliminate: Takes you to Enter Journals so that you can create manual elimination journals
Select Accounts: To select accounts to be included in the transfer
Transfer: To transfer balances to the consolidated book

Press Transfer key to initiate consolidation request. A Note will appear that indicates the concurrent Request Id.

In Consolidation Book Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Transfer>Transfer>Data Set

Mapping Set: [Ctrl+L] to list mapping sets available.

Other parameters are similar to submission for a standard Mapping, with the exception that multiple Mappings are being requested for Transfer at the same time.
Button Options:
Mapping: Allows you to view mapping detail
Eliminate: Takes you to Enter Journals so that you can create manual elimination journals
Transfer: To transfer balances to the consolidated book

Once subsidiary data is transferred to the consolidated set of books, there are several more steps to combine it with other enterprise-wide data.

1. Run Journal Import if not a consolidation run option.
2. Review unposted journal batch created from consolidation transfer.
3. Post consolidated journal in parent set of books.

If Run Journal Import was not chosen as one of the consolidation run options, this process has to be run. Specify Consolidation as the source.

In Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Journals>Import>Run

Refer to the R2i document GL Import Subledger Journals Training for a complete explanation of this process.

Review and Post the Consolidation Journals.

In Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Journals>Post

With the cursor on the batch you want to review, Click Review Batch. Click the Journals button.

After the journal is reviewed post it. Either Click on the More Actions button and post the journal, or exit the Journals and Batch window and select and post the batch from the Post Journals window.

Create Elimination Journals

Use General Ledger’s standard journal entry functions to create eliminating entries in your parent set of books. You can also use Applications Desktop Integrator’s Journal Wizard to create eliminating entries.

In addition, you can use the Global Consolidation System to create elimination sets, which are a variation of General Ledger’s recurring and mass allocation journals. With elimination sets, you define eliminating entries that repeat every accounting period.

Define Elimination Journals

Define an eliminating entry by first creating an elimination set. Your set can contain a single elimination entry, or you can group related entries in the same elimination set.

From the Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Eliminate>Define>Full

Batch Name: Enter a name that represents a batch of one or more elimination journals.
Description: Enter a description for the elimination set.
Elimination Company: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to choose a balancing segment value
value from the list of values to represent an Elimination Company. This
company is used as the target company when booking elimination entries. The company description defaults. Note: If you do not want to
use an elimination company, leave this field blank.
Track Elimination Status check box:
Check the box if you want the elimination set to be a part of the checklist for determining which eliminations are completed for the period.
Effective Dates: Optionally, enter effective from and to dates to specify when the elimination set is active.

Click on Accounts button to enter elimination journals for this elimination set.

Elimination Entry: Enter a journal name for the elimination journal to uniquely identify an elimination journal within the elimination batch.
Category: Automatically defaults to Elimination.
Currency: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select one of two choices:
functional currency assigned to the consolidated set of books or STAT. The currency you specify is for both source and target accounts.
Amount Type: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select the balance type to derive the eliminations from. Possible values include PTD, QTD, YTD, and PJTD.
Line: Enter a line number for the accounts.
Source Account: Click on field or [Ctrl+L] to bring up accounting flexfield window.
Specify the source account balance(s) that will be fully
eliminated into the target account. For each account segment, choose
detail account value, a parent account value, or leave the segment blank.
Target Account: Specify a target account for the elimination entry. For each account
segment, choose a detail account value or leave the segment blank. If an
elimination company was entered in the Elimination Sets form, the
balancing segment value is set and can not be overridden.

Save the elimination accounts defined.

Note: Use parent or null values to save time in defining elimination sets because you can specify one
elmination line which includes the parent or null value, instead of multiple lines for each child. If you
use parent or null values, the elimination functionality automatically loops through each of the child
values for those segments and creates its offset in your elimination journal.

In line 30 in our example, the source target is 99-999-41152-0-0-99, and the target account is 89-----.
The 99 and 999 segments are parent accounts. The child department values such as 410 map to
child values in the target account

Similarly, in line 20, the source target is –20420-0-0-99, and the target account is 89-----. The detail
department values such as 000 map to the detail department values in the target account.

Note: In the Consolidation responsibility you can also use recurring formula and mass allocations to create elimination journals

From the Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Eliminate>Define>Formula

Navigate to: Processes>Eliminate>Define>Allocations

Balance Full Elimination Journals

When the generated eliminations do not balance, you can define balancing options to correct imbalances. Balancing options selected for each elimination set apply to all journals created for that elimination batch.

Click on the Balancing Options button in the Elimination Sets window to specify a balancing option.

Check Out of Balance Options
Allow Out of Balance Journal:
Select this option to create an unbalanced journal entry to be reviewed later. If you decide to post the unbalanced journal, or you have set up Autoposting, the set of books suspense posting option applies.
Balance with Net Difference Accounts:
Select this option to specify an account template to use if the difference is a net debit or a net credit. If multiple balancing segments are involved in the unbalanced journal, journal lines are grouped and balanced by balancing segment.
Use Threshold Rules:
If the Use Net Difference Accounts option is selected, the Threshold Rules option can be selected. If the net debit and credit amount of the elimination journal does not exceed the threshold, the program creates a balanced journal entry.
Net Difference Accounts:
Specify these accounts if the Use Net Difference Accounts is selected.
Threshold Rules:
Select one of the three rules if the Use Net Difference Accounts and Threshold Rules is selected.

Save the options selected.
Generate Eliminations

Eliminating journals must be generated to create unposted journal batches from the eliminating journal that is defined. Once generated, you can review or edit the eliminating journal batches before posting.

Click on the Generate button in the Elimination Sets window.

Period: Select a period to run the elimination set.
Elimination Set: Click on the field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to display active
elimination sets for the Period.
Period Last Run: Automatically display when the elimination set was last run.
Request ID: When the elimination set is submitted, the request Id is
displayed in the Request Id field.

Optionally, click the Elimination Set button to open the Define Elimination Set form to review or modify the elimination definitions.

Choose the elimination sets you want to generate by checking the check box to the left of each set name.

Click the Generate button to generate the elimination journals. General Ledger submits a concurrent process to create unposted journal batches based on the selected elimination sets.

The journal name of the journal generated from this process is automatically named Eliminations. The journal batch name is ELIM: .

Navigate to: Journal>Enter

Find the journal batch by typing ELIM in the Batch field as the search criteria.

To review, Click one of the review buttons.

Post the Elimination Journal Batch.

Inquiry, Reporting and Analysis

General Ledger includes online inquiry and reporting features for reviewing and reporting on your consolidated balances.

Using FSG and ADI

From the Global Consolidation System you can access General Ledger standard reports and the Financial Statement Generator. Use the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) as the mechanism to sum up the subsidiaries to produce consolidated results. Refer to the R2i GL Create FSG Reports Training document for an explanation on creating the FSG components.

From the Consolidation Responsibility to define FSG components:

Navigate to: Reporting & Analysis>Reports>Define

Use the Application Desktop Integrator (ADI) to extend reporting to the spreadsheet environment.


GCS enables you to drill from consolidated balances in the parent set of books directly to the subsidiary set of books within the same instance. Refer to the R2i GL Account Inquiry Training document for an explanation of account inquiry capabilities. When accessing an account balance in Account Inquiry in the consolidated set of books, the Drill down button on the Journal window takes you to the subsidiary set of books.

From the Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Reporting & Analysis>Analysis>Inquiry>Account

Consolidations Workbench

The Consolidation Workbench provides a central point of control for consolidating an unlimited number of subsidiaries to your parent, while keeping you informed about each subsidiary’s consolidation status.

In Consolidation Responsibility:

Navigate to: Processes>Workbench

Enter your search parameters into the Find Consolidation Processes form and submit your search by clicking the Find button. You can complete as many fields as you like to narrow the query.

Parent: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select consolidated set of
Parent Period: Click on field for poplist or [Ctrl+L] to select a consolidation period from the list of values.
Balance Type: Choose from Actual, Balance or Any
Preparation/Transfer Region:
Choose from the list of values for each of the following fields to query on consolidations from a subsidiary: Mapping Set, Mapping, Subsidiary, and Status.
Elimination Region: Choose from the list of values for each of the following fields to query on consolidations from a subsidiary: Mapping Set, Mapping, Subsidiary, and Status.

Any processes that were submitted will show up on the Consolidation Workbench form, for the given parameters.

The consolidation displays the status of each process submitted. In addition, the Transferred Balances column lists the following statuses for each consolidation process submitted.

· Current: The consolidated data from the subsidiary to parent is current. The status is always current before a consolidation is transferred.
· Obsolete: Any account balance for your subsidiary has changed after a transfer of subsidiary data to the parent.

From the Consolidation Workbench you access the State Controller, a navigation tool to guide you through the consolidation process. In this example, when the Consolidation Workbench was opened, the State Controller was opened, otherwise you can Click on the State Controller button to access the controller.

From the State Controller, you can quickly select the consolidation step you want to perform rather than navigating to each step individually. Each State Controller button corresponds to a functional step in the consolidation process.

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