Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Project invoice transferred from AP to PA is not appearing in PA

Response to a reader:

Example:  Invoice created in AP, selected Project details in appropriate field, validated, accounted and transferred to PA through PRC: Interface Supplier cost request.  Everything went well but still not appeared in PA.

Please check the status of PA_ADDITION_FLAG in ap_invoice_distributions_all for the invoice_id.  This should be ‘Y’ for invoice transferred to PA.   In case this is ‘Y’ but still not appeared in PA, please update it to ‘N’ and rerun the process PRC:Interface supplier cost.   Make sure that periods are open in the relevant modules.


Anonymous said...

Hi Raghu,

Thanks a ton for timely response.


Unknown said...

Welcome Vinay. You dont need to thank me at all the places. I have received your thanks mail to my gmail inbox.
