Friday, 18 November 2011

Workaround If Internet Expenses check box not enabled in Tax Rate Page



Configure as below to charge VAT on internet expenses


To populate the value in Tax code field in expense report template window, enable the check box ‘Internet Expenses Enabled’ in Tax Rate page


If one has missed to enable the check box, tax rate will not appear in expense report template.

We have two workaround:

1. Delete the rate and recreate with the check box enabled. However, if we have used already in other modules, it may lead to corruption issue.

2. Best option is to configure as below so that VAT will work with internet expenses and also no issue we will face in any other modules


Query the above lookup code and click update Icon. Configure the tax rate here.

This is easy workaround, if anyone is missed to enable the ‘Internet Expenses Enabled’ check box in Tax Rate page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot!!!